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Solving complexities,
Business, Social and Sustainability
with Innovation.

We are an Indonesia-based innovation hub, we help organizations to scale by designing suitable systems throughout their growth journey.

Challenges in Scaling Innovation

Limited resources in the Research & Development discover new ideas for innovation from within organization. 

There is insufficient investment in allowing innovation to progress making scaled impact in the society. 

In the other hand, innovators as innovation providers, have limited access to reach out to potential market for their innovation ideas.

Innovation process is not just about building ideas that are needed by targeted users, but it is also about building a strong ecosystem to support new ideas
to scale sustainably.

OiHub Services

How we deliver values to help your business growth.

We support you in making innovation ideas happened starting from sourcing to implementation

in our experimental lab.

Helping your organization in formulating the most suitable innovation strategy throughout your growth journey.

You can obtain innovation skills and knowledge from our tailored educational training and workshop.

Our Methodology

We connect business and organizations with innovation ideas through Open Innovation. In order to scale innovation, we need to augment them with Systemic approach.

Discover exciting innovation ideas and product opportunities that integrates with the business growth strategy.  

Designing the pathway for innovation ideas to grow and scale to achieve business objectives. 

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We have worked with

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Innovation Hubs

Long term projects in collaboration with OiHub trusted partners

in solving complex challenges by combining communities and innovation services.

Lestari Hub

Lestari Hub helps organization in balancing economic, society and environmental purpose for sustainable business growth. 

Innovation Hubs
Inqury Form


We'd love to know more about your organization, and lets discuss how we can help you finding opportunities in the complexities of your growth journey.

Get in touch with OiHub

We'll contact you very soon!

About OiHub 
Lestari Hub
OiHub Team 
Library of Ideas
SME Hub 
a legal entity established in Jakarta, Indonesia 
as PT. Oportunity Inovasi Harmonis
Contact us at email:

18 Parc Place, SBCD. Tower B Lantai 2 
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-54. Jakarta 12190
Open Innovation Hub (OiHub)
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